Read It: 1 Peter 3:13-14 (The Message)
If with heart and soul you’re doing good, do you think you can be stopped? Even if you suffer for it, you’re still better off. Don’t give the opposition a second thought.
Learn It:
This is a great passage and I really like how The Message has worded the text. If you are listening to the Word of God and acting out according to the grace that has been given to you by Jesus through the Holy Spirit then you can do great things. Now the next part is the hard part. There is a chance that you are going to suffer for that good thing you are doing. The real question you have to ask yourself it better to do what is right and endure hardship or to stop doing it...or even worse do what is wrong just because it is less stressful. The NRSV instead of saying better off it says "blessed". The idea of being "blessed" or "better off" doesn't mean that you are happy or excited about something but Paul is telling us that we are privileged. We are better off than others because we have God with us and the Spirit inside of us. Even if we suffer we know that through it all we have the Creator of the Universe on our side. That should be more comfort than we need when it comes to hardship.
Share It:
What are some times in your life when you felt with your heart and soul that you were doing God's work? Was it an easy task or was it difficult? Were there obstacles or did you in some way suffer for it? What was the outcome or was there an outcome? Looking at the passage above read the last sentence and talk about what you think that line means and what impact it might have on how you do God's work? Share with your family.
Live It:
Take this week and do some little things that you feel might be something God wants you to do. God's work doesn't always mean solving world hunger or sickness. Listen to your heart and soul this week to see if there is something that the Spirit is calling you to do...and act on it.
Please post comments with your experience with the share it or live it part of this weeks post. Let others know if you and your family found this useful.