Read It: Isaiah 64:8 (NRSV)
8 Yet, O LORD, you are our Father;
we are the clay, and you are our potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
Learn It:
This is some wonderful imagery about how God can use us. I am not very good at pottery but I do know that it takes a lot of time and patience to get a piece just right. When I was in grade school I would spend a very long time in class trying to get my pottery to look nice but it didn't ever come out well. I have proof in the form of a Halloween pumpkin that my mother gave back to me. It sits as a decoration at our home and it is so deformed the lid that I made for it barely sits on top and probably would fall of at any movement. To be honest the pumpkin looks like a pumpkin you would throw away because it was sitting outside too long. It's that bad. My point being that God takes extra special time to care for us by molding us into the artwork that God created us to be. The work that we do truly is the handiwork of God who first created us and gave us all things.
Share It:
See if you have some clay or some silly putty or play-doh around the house. Spend some time talking about the different things you can do with it and create with it. Is it easy to get things just the way you want them to look? What is the hardest part and what is the easiest part? What do you think that God is working you into at this time in your life? Are you a hard clay or an easy clay right now? Talk about these and other things that come up during your time together.
Live It:
Take this week and go get some clay or something else that you can mold into something. Think of what you want to make and spend some quality time putting it together. See how it comes out and think about how much concentration you put into it and how proud you are of it (even if it isn't as wonderful as you thought or imagined in your head).
Please post comments with your experience with the share it or live it part of this weeks post. Let others know if you and your family found this useful.