Sunday, February 13, 2011

Say It

Read It: Matthew 5:37 (NIV)
 37 Simply let yourYes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Learn It:
Luther says that we should not say anything more than what we mean.  The things that we say should  be based on what we feel God is telling us to do at that moment.  Some examples he gives us is when you get angry you should only get angry if it is justified and that if you feel a certain way about something that you should conduct the way you say it based on what example Jesus leaves us about such matters.  

Share It:
John Mayer has a song entitled Say.  Check out these lyrics and talk with your family about them.  Do you think it is better to say what you need to say than to not have said anything at all?  What might it be like if you were to say exactly what you were thinking without filtering it?  Do you think that it would be hard to stop and think about what you are going to say to say the right thing? Why or why not?  What makes it hard to say "no" to people when they ask you to do something?  Why do or don't you say "yes" to lots of things?   

Live It:
Jesus tells us to say exactly what we mean to say.  Don't say yes when you don't really want to do it or when you're heart isn't in it.  The next couple times someone asks you to do something whether it is a family member or a friend, stop and think for a moment about if you really want to do it.  Let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no".  See how freeing that might be and see if you are responding the way that God asks us to respond.  Share with your family what it was like. 
Please post comments with your experience with the discussion or live it part of this weeks post.  Let others know if you and your family found this useful.  

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