Read It: Matthew 14:26-27 (NRSV)
26 But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”
Learn It:
Water is a very powerful image in the Bible. In the Old Testament it is often associated with chaos in one's life. Water was also very dangerous because of storms and creatures in the sea that could cause fisherman to never return to the shore again. Of course I don't think that times have changed too much. If you have ever seen the show, "Deadliest Catch" or some of the others like it on the Discovery Channel then you will know that even today seas and oceans can be very dangerous and difficult places to traverse. The disciples are justified, in my opinion, in thinking they saw a ghost because nothing should be out in a storm like that...especially something walking on the water. Water gives us life as well. Without water to drink we cannot live. Also water is what gives us new life with Jesus when we are baptized. Water is a powerful element in our lives.
Share It:
Talk with your family about the different ways you use water on a daily basis. What are the different ways that we use water? What are ways that water is beneficial for us? In what ways does water still show itself as dangerous? What are some ways that we can use water to be a blessing in our lives and for our faith? Share these thoughts and others that may come up during you talk together.
Live It:
Spend this next week paying attention to all the ways that you use water. Think about how water is used to bring about life. What might be something you can do with water this week to continue to bring about life in this world? When you come up with it try it.
Please post comments with your experience with the share it or live it part of this weeks post. Let others know if you and your family found this useful.
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