Read It: Matthew 22:21b (NRSV)
“Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Learn It:
Jesus shows the Pharisees that we must obey the civil laws of the society that we live in but we must also live out the calling that God has called us to be and do. When we are baptized we die to our old lives and we then live out our new lives in Christ Jesus. Those new lives are dedicated to the service of God who created all things. Since God created all things the idea about giving to God what is God's is really about giving God our everything. Jesus is teaching the Pharisees and us that our lives need to reflect the promises and gifts that God gives us each day. The way we live out those gifts is how we give to God what is God's...which again is our all.
Share It:
Based on what you read above what does it mean to you to give to God what is God's and give to the emperor (the government) what is the emperor's? In what ways do you already do that? What are some ways that you can continue to give your all to God? What are areas that you might be able to do more for God? When you first read this passage did the idea of belonging to God come to mind or what did you think the passage was about? How has your perspective changed? How might it have stayed the same? Discuss these and other questions or ideas that come up during your conversations.
Live It:
In the Share It section you talked about what areas you might be able to do more for God. Use that idea or pick one if you had several and figure out a way to live that out this week. See how giving more back to God who created all of this for us might help you to become closer to God and to the rest of God's creation.
Please post comments with your experience with the share it or live it part of this weeks post. Let others know if you and your family found this useful.
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