Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blessed Difficulties

Read It: Acts 7:56 (NRSV)
56 “Look,” he said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”

Learn It:
Read the whole Acts story (Acts 7:55-60) from this Sunday's story.  It is such a violent story that seems rather odd to include, but my favorite part of the whole story is the line I have quoted above.  Amid all the anger and violence, though, is this profound statement of faith declaring Jesus as resurrected and being with God in heaven. Then again in verse 60 you can see that Stephen also asks God not to hold the sins that they are committing against them.  In the midst of his death he focuses on the his faith and the well-being of others.  I think this is such a wonderful picture for us.  No matter how bad things get and no matter how dark the world can seem at times we have this certainty that God is God and that God is present with us through all aspects of our life.

Share It:
What difficult times have you faced recently in your life?  Have you sought God during them?  Have you declared Jesus as the resurrected Son of God during those dark or difficult times?  Talk about what difference it might make if you were to instantly declare the greatness of God when you began to face adversity.  How might that change your viewpoint of the situation?  How might it change your attitude as you walked through that point in your life?

Live It:
Take this next week to focus on the difficult times you are dealing with (either ongoing or ones that occur in the future) and take them as opportunities to declare the greatness of God and the presence of God in those moments so that  you can see the goodness and mercy of God.  See what difference that makes and how it might change your relationship with God in your daily faith walk.

Please post comments with your experience with the share it or live it part of this weeks post.  Let others know if you and your family found this useful.

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